Frequently Asked Questions  

 Do I have to start at Level 2?

1.    No. You can start any qualification at any level. You should consider initially the experience that you already have and the opportunity to carry out tasks within your job role. Assessment is carried out ‘on the job’ and therefore you must be able to complete all tasks within a qualification and pathway.

Are they nationally recognised qualifications? 
Yes the qualifications have been developed to National Occupational Standards and their delivery is subject to the same strict government controls as other qualifications e.g. g.c.s.e.


What happens if I fail an assessment?

1. You cannot fail an assessment but you can fail to complete an assessment. This can happen for example if you do not provide all the evidence required. If you fail to complete an observed assessment, you may be asked to repeat this at another date and this may increase the cost of the Qualification.

What happens if am unhappy with my assessment or results?

1. If you are unhappy with any assessment or feel you have been treated unfairly there is a written procedure in your Qualification Handbook describing how and who you should appeal to. If the appeal cannot be satisfactorily resolved by Hydroviron you have the right to take your appeal to the Awarding Body.

Are there any exams to take?

1. No. There are no formal examinations associated with the qualifications. You may be asked to provide written answers to technical questions, or written assignments, but these will not be set in an examination environment.

Who decides when and where I am assessed?

1.    Your assessment plan is designed and agreed between you and your individual assessor. The qualification can be taken at your own pace and observed assessments will only be completed when you are happy to complete them.

Do I have to complete the qualifications in a specific time?
No. There may be minimum requirements for length of experience completing a task or skill, but there is no time set for completion.


Who do I contact if I have any issues?
At your induction you will be provided with the contact details with regard any issues that you may have. In most cases your assessor will be your first point of contact.


If I go on to take further qualifications within the range, do I have to retake the mandatory units?

1.    No. Once you have completed any Unit, whether it is mandatory or optional, you can re-use these credits in any other Qualification where the Unit forms part of the Qualification Pathway.

Can anyone provide the training?
Yes. Anyone can provide the training that you require to complete the assessments. However, all Hydroviron knowledge training is mapped directly to the knowledge sections of the Qualification Units ensuring that once completed you will be able to satisfy the requirements of your Assessor.

Do I have to do any training before I am assessed?

1.    No. There is no requirement to complete any training as part of the Qualification. However both your knowledge and skills are assessed as part of the Qualification process and you will therefore be required to provide evidence of knowledge and practice. This evidence can be provided in a number of ways but the Assessor will always need to be satisfied that he is confident you can meet all the criteria of the Units.